The Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Department of Ranka Hospital comprises a panel of diligent, experienced & top notch Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons, who have worked in this unique field where dentistry & medicine coincide for treatment of facial injury and traumatic dental conditions. Cases of polytrauma often have associated injuries of the facial bones and teeth. Facial bone injuries include soft tissue injuries, fractures of the maxilla, mandible, zygoma, nasal bones, temporomandibular joint trauma, frontal & maxillary sinuses.Such cases along with pathological conditions like cysts & tumors of the jaw, fascial spaces infections, congenital deformities of the face in the form of cleft lip and palate associated syndromic cases are deftly managed by our department.
We have one of the most skilled staff for a dedicated service of our patients.