Exercises for Home Quarantine in COVID-19
Amidst the COVID-19 situation, on the one hand, where you continue to strengthen your immunity system, on the other, you must regularly perform some breathing exercises.
Now, why perform breathing exercises? Besides causing high fever and headaches and a range of other disorders, Coronavirus attacks the lungs and the respiratory system of the infected individual. The virus’s attack mechanism weakens your lungs and reduces their ability to inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. This constitutes one of the prominent reasons for deaths due to Coronavirus.
One of the keys to preventing COVID-19 infection from damaging your lungs is staying physically active, strengthening your lungs, and enhancing their ability to get more and more oxygen.
Indulging in regular workout contributes to muscle, heart, and lung strength. It enhances physical fitness and helps the body receive more oxygen in the bloodstream to deliver it to the working muscles. As a result, you gradually increase your breathing capacity and are less likely to fall short of breath while exercising. So, let us discuss three breathing exercises for home quarantine in COVID-19.
3 Exercises for COVID-19 Home Quarantine:
- Deep Breathing
Practicing simple deep breathing exercises prove useful in the long run. They help you receive air deep into the lungs and promote healthy breathing. All you have to do is breathe deeply five to ten times, cough a couple of times forcefully, and repeat it.
- Diaphragmatic Breathing
In diaphragmatic breathing, relax your shoulders, sit back, or lie down, and place one hand on the belly, and the other on the chest. Inhale through your nose for a couple of seconds, and feel the air into your abdomen, and your stomach move out. In this type of breathing, your stomach must move more than your chest—breath for a couple of seconds through pursed lips, and press your abdomen. Repeat.
- Skipping
Skipping is useful to maintain the health of your lungs, circulatory system, and the heart. Skipping isn’t as difficult, although, if you are a first-timer, it may take some time for you to fine-tune and balance your body movements and the swing of the skipping rope.
Stand in an erect yet comfortable position at the outset, with your feet at shoulder-width apart. Hold the rope handle firmly, and use your wrists to swing the rope over your head. Jump over the rope as you bring it towards the frontend of your feet. Initially, you may have to do it slowly to synchronize your hand, feet, and rope movements. Increase the pace gradually, once you perfect the rhythm.
A lot of other breathing exercises such as pushing out squats too prove helpful in improving the breathing mechanism. Visit Ranka Hospitals to know more about breathing exercises, and seek guidance on the right way of doing COVID-19 breathing exercises.