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Arthritis In India

Arthritis constitutes one of the most commonly found diseases in India. According to reports, in the next decade or so, arthritis will graduate to the fourth spot in the list of the most common causes of physical disability in India. Over 15 crore Indians are currently suffering from knee problems, out of which more than 30% require total knee replacement. The number is way higher than that found in western countries.

Of course, there are several factors responsible for the onset and progression of arthritis in India. Some of them include the Indian traditional lifestyle and age-related factors. Nevertheless, this article explores some of the reasons that lead to the rapid progression of arthritis across the country. Besides, it also talks about some lifestyle-associated measures that could prove helpful in preventing the disease.

Reasons for Arthritis in India:

1. Age

Age-related degenerative arthritis is the most common cause of arthritis in India. It comprises the degeneration (wear and tear) of the cartilage that various body joints, including the knee. In Indian women, the average age of the onset of arthritis is 50 years. Many Indian men, on the other hand, start experiencing it from the age of 60.
Now, why do Indian females experience knee pain earlier than men? Some of the most common causes include obesity, inadequate nutrition, and vitamin D deficiency. All these factors lead to gradual degeneration of the cartilage and result in the progression of knee pain to the extent that knee replacement remains the only option.

2. Lifestyle

Indian lifestyle is another common factor that contributes to arthritis. Activities such as squatting, cross-legged sitting, inappropriate toilet position, and the use of incorrect footwear while walking form a part of Indian people. Another reason that results in knee pain in the rural parts of India includes the use of well water, which contains heavy metals and high fluoride levels. Over a while, these elements result in fluorosis and bone hardening.

3. Financial Inability

On the one hand, where lifestyle and age result in the onset of arthritis, on the other, the lack of financial muscle among a lot of arthritis patients compels them to live with the disease. They neither have the resources to treat it nor are aware of health insurance options that can help them unlock their knees.
Further, many times, reimbursements aren’t sufficient to cover the cost of high-quality implants that such patients require. NPPA’s capping on the implant price proves a deterrent for implant manufacturers, as it, in a way, disallows them from making top-quality implants available in India.

How to Prevent Arthritis?

Arthritis causes steady damage to the knees, leaving the patient, especially the advanced stage one, with no option but to replace them. You can prevent arthritis through sufficient exposure to the sun to avoid Vitamin D deficiency, regular cycling, swimming, and performing static quadricep exercises. Besides, avoiding squatting, sitting cross-legged, prolonged standing, and avoiding the use of Indian toilets also proves useful.
Some dietary elements include eating calcium, protein-rich foodstuffs. Consuming seasonal fruits and vegetables can also contribute to your battle in maintaining excellent joint health.

Ranka Hospitals – The Most Trustworthy Hospital for Knee Replacement

Ranka Hospitals is a leading hospital for knee replacement. The team at Ranka comprises some of the best arthritis doctors and surgeons to ensure the safest and the most effective arthritis treatment. Besides, the hospital follows the necessary COVID-19 protocol to ensure patient safety.

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