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Healthy Joints Vs. Arthritic Joints

Joints play a significant role in our routine life, as they help us maintain our mobility and make daily movements easily. However, joints weaken and suffer damage over a while due to injury, age, or lifestyle-related factors. The condition that causes swelling, tenderness, pain, and stiffness in joints is termed arthritis. Apparently, you cannot differentiate between healthy joints and arthritic ones. However, you can make out the difference by looking for specific signs and characteristics that each show. So, let’s look at some aspects differentiating a healthy joint from an arthritic one.

What is a Healthy Joint?

Technically, a healthy joint enables the individual to move and have continuous physical engagements with bones gliding seamlessly over each other. It protects the bones by preventing rubbing and resistance. People with healthy joints can run, jog, walk, indulge in sporting activities, and perform many other activities blissfully.

What is an Arthritic Joint?

An arthritic joint can cause pain and inflammation, complicating movements and making it challenging for the person to stay active. The condition usually affects older adults. However, one cannot deny its onset and progression in younger people.

Difference Between Healthy Joints and Arthritic Joints

Here are the differences between healthy and arthritic joints across a few parameters.

ParameterHealthy JointsArthritic Joints
StructureSmooth surfaces and adequate lubricationInflammation, cartilage degradation and joint damage
Cartilage ConditionSolid and resilientDamaged or potentially thin and less functional
Pain FrequencySporadic and rarePersistent pain even when the person is resting
Synovial FluidAmple to keep the joints lubricatedReduced in quantity, thin and hence less effective
Motion RangeNormalRestricted
StiffnessOccasional stiffness that can reduce after appropriate movementsProlonged morning stiffness
Pain and InflammationMinimalChronic inflammation accompanied by pain and swelling
StrengthNormalWeak and reduced on account of joint pain and dysfunction
TreatmentLiving a healthy lifestyle, perform regular exercises, and consume medications (if required) based on the doctor’s prescriptionRegular and personalized physical therapy, anti-inflammatory medications, and joint replacement in extreme cases
Maintenance and PreventionMaintenance: Ensuring regular exercises and maintaining a healthy weightPrevention: Undergoing appropriate and regular physiotherapy, implementing joint protection strategies and managing the underlying conditions
FatigueMinimalIncreased fatigue to pain and inflammation
Appearance of JointsNormalReddish, swollen and potential deformity
TemperatureNormalInflammation causes the joint temperature to increase
Pain StimulatorsPain is rare when the person performs a movement or an activityPain stimulated by performing weight-bearing activities or movements

So, the above were a few differences between healthy and arthritic joints. Visit Ranka Hospital if you are looking for more insights into joint health and personalized guidance on it. Call us at +91 – 20 – 24261530 to schedule an appointment with our doctors.

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