Knee Replacement Surgery in Patients with Diabetes
Knee replacement is a significant operation. Dealing with replacing a natural part with an artificial one, by no means, is a straightforward task, whether the patient is normal or diabetic. But it is a little tougher in the latter’s case. People with diabetes present many complications, requiring surgeons to remain extra careful and prescribe pre- and post-surgery management activities. Let’s look at both in this article.
The Effect of Diabetes on Knee Replacement Surgery
The surgical and anesthesia procedures inflame the operated area and triggers an autoimmune response via releasing adrenaline, cortisol, noradrenaline, glucagon, etc. In highly diabetic people, it can increase insulin resistance and glucose levels, causing hyperglycemia, and deep tissue infection, affecting the surgical result.
Of course, the body also responds to surgery in various ways, in the case of normal people. But since people with diabetes have weak muscles, immune systems, and body tissues, the condition affects surgical recovery.
But does that mean people with diabetes cannot or shouldn’t undergo knee replacement surgery? Certainly not! Surgeons prescribe pre-surgery measures to enhance operational effectiveness and mitigate diabetes’s negative impact.
Pre-Surgery Operation Measures for Diabetics | Special Considerations
Here’s what people suffering from diabetes would be prescribed before they undergo knee replacement surgery. The purpose is to prepare the body, make surgery more effective and minimize the number of post-surgery complications.
- Body Management: It involves screening for diabetes and related co-morbid conditions, designing a surgery preparation plan, managing blood sugar levels, controlling blood pressure levels, etc. The body should be normal before surgery to avoid further complications.
- Exercise: Diabetics usually have weaker muscles. Hence, doctors suggest muscle strengthening before surgery. It simplifies recovery and reduces its duration.
- Diet: Diet control to reduce the HbA1c level is a significant factor. The diet depends on the person’s health condition, age, etc. But usually, doctors prescribe consuming foods rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties to manage inflammatory stress on the body. One must consult a surgical dietitian to know what’s right for their body.
Post-Surgery Operation Measures
Now, what after surgery? The post-operation measures would also vary with the patient as much as the pre-surgery ones. But usually, patients with most factors in control start walking within a couple of days. Besides, medical management and diet continue for the next few months until the patient returns to normal.
At Ranka Hospital, we optimize knee replacement surgery’s effectiveness through efficient and highly personalized pre- and post-surgery diabetic management. We have one of the best knee replacement surgeon in Pune. Additionally, we leverage the safest and most minimally invasive surgical procedures to reduce post-surgery complications as much as possible. Call us at +91 20 2426 1600 to book an appointment and specific consultation.