Tips To Reduce Winter Joint Pain
Joint pain during winters is a common concern. The cold wave proves painful for the knees, ankles, shoulders, waist, back, etc. of senior citizens, in particular. Since December and January are the coldest of all the months throughout the year, a lot of people complain about joint pain during these months. Now that December has only begun, and the cold wave is going to tighten its grip further, here are some tips to reduce winter joint pain.
What are the Common Causes of Joint Pain During Winter?
Before we look at the preventive measures, let us enlist some of the common causes of joint pain during winter.
- Muscle spasms that intensify pain and stiffness
- Pain receptors turn even more sensitive
- Lesser amount of sunlight weakens the bones and joints
- Lowered blood circulation in fingers and toes
- Swollen tissues due to reduced atmospheric pressure, increasing tension in joints
How to Reduce Joint Pain During Winter?
Older people with weak bones are more likely to experience joint pain during winter. While an instant solution to altogether avoid the occurrence of joint pain may not be as feasible, reducing it is possible through the following tips and precautions. Again, reducing joint pain isn’t rocket science, or requires you to undergo extensive treatment. It demands a few lifestyle changes and introducing some habits in your winter routine.
- Keep Your Body Hydrated
You may not want to drink as much water during the winter season. However, not drinking sufficient water may result in dehydration, and increase the body’s sensitivity towards pain. To avoid it, keep yourself well-hydrated throughout the day to control pain sensitivity and to stay active throughout the day.
- Consume Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Vitamin-D
An adequate intake of Omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin-D reduces pain sensitivity and decreases inflammation in bones. Consult your doctor to know the appropriate foodstuffs or medicines to ensure sufficient supply of the required nutrition to ensure bone and joint health during winter.
- Perform Exercises
Initially, stepping out of the home in the cold weather and indulging in exercises as such as walking, cycling, running, etc. may seem a challenge. However, once you form a habit, it won’t be as difficult. Exercising will heat your body, increase muscle strength, reduce joint stiffness, and minimize joint pain to a considerable extent.
- Keep your Body Warm
Exposing your body, and especially your joints to the cold weather may result in severe joint pain. Here, the solution is to keep your body warm by layering up your body with thick and warm clothes. Layering up creates a protective shield against the temperature change, and reduce joint pain significantly.
- Use Heating Bags
Another solution to minimize winter joint pain is to warm up the aching joint with hot water or heating bag. It heats the affected area and provides relief from the pain. Nevertheless, you must avoid excessive heating, as it may cause burns on the affected area. Besides heating bags, you may take warm baths to keep your joints warm.
Ranka Hospital – The Best Joint Experts in Pune
Winter joint pain is common, and in many cases, unavoidable. However, you do not have to live with aching joints. Introducing some changes to your lifestyle and following the above tips after consultation from Ranka’s joint experts can help you reduce joint pain, and move around easily throughout the cold season. For more details, or to book an appointment, connect with Ranka Hospital at +91 20 2426 1600.
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